So Many More Good Things
We would like to remind you that there are so many more good things going on in your world than the negativity that you see or hear about from those around you and from what is called news.
Help Raise the Vibration
Using your words, your communication skills to spread true positive feelings from your heart will make a difference.
You Have Choices
We welcome you to this newsletter, we are glad to offer these messages for your benefit. Each message can be held as a single entity yet some of them have a recurring theme. We format these messages according to what we feel is most needed at the present time. We try to keep all of you in mind but as you can imagine it is hard to address something that affects you all. We hope that even when the message, the words, don't speak clearly to you, that you receive the loving energy that is generated when these words are created.
Many Ups and Downs
Welcome to this newsletter. We are grateful to be with you. We send love and healing to all of you. This week for many of you has been filled with ups and downs.
Entering a New Phase
We welcome you to this newsletter. We are grateful for your attention to these messages. We do take into consideration who the audience is and we hope that you find them helpful. We are excited to be moving into a new phase of existence.
Fill Yourself with Joy
Welcome to the latest edition of this message. We are grateful for your attention and to have this space to share messages with you. Many of you have already wavered on your New Year's resolutions, if you made some.
A Year of Growth
Welcome, we are glad to be with you. Welcome to a new year, to a year of great change, to a year that you can choose to make it all that you want it to be.
Entering a New Year
We know that many of you are looking forward to the new year, expecting good things and you have every right to do that.
A Time for Reflection
Welcome once again to this message. We recognize that for many of you this is a very busy time. One where you are planning a dinner, a celebration, honoring people.
Healing from Trauma
Welcome, we are grateful for your attention to this newsletter and to the messages that we bring you. We wish to continue a bit about thinking processes. We spoke about how different people process things, how a shift in perspective can make a big difference.
Go with What Works for You
Welcome once again to this newsletter and to our message. We have been contemplating what subject to go on to next. Does that surprise you that we don't just automatically know everything.
Shamanic Journeys Part 4
We welcome you back to the last message on the shamanic journeys. Well, this is the last of the four part messages, but we are quite sure they will come up again at some other time.
Shamanic Journeys Part 3
Welcome, we are glad to see you back, we are happy to be back. We will continue on the subject of shamanic journeys.
Shamanic Journeys Part 2
We will continue to discuss shamanic journeys and their benefits. During a shamanic journey you are connecting with energy that you do not normally have immediate access to.
Shamanic Journeys
We are aware that many of you have done shamanic journeys in Vicki’s groups or done them with her as one of her healing tools. We would like to say we have a different view of shamanic journeys than what you experience from your side.
Speaking your Truth Part 4
Welcome to our weekly message. We are glad to have you with us. This is the final installment of speaking your truth. Speaking your truth is not easy when you live in fear.
Speaking your Truth Part 3
Welcome once again to these messages. We would like to continue the conversation on speaking your truth. You may feel that it's a simple thing, that you do speak the truth to yourself and to others.
Speaking Your Truth 2
Welcome to this latest message. We are grateful for your attention to these messages, and we hope that they bring a bit of clarity, healing, or wisdom to you.
Speaking Your Truth
Welcome once again to our weekly message. As you may have noted there are different energies in these messages. Due to Vicki’s working with a team as opposed to just one guide she channels from, that is why you get a different sense with some of the different messages.
Are You Muddling through Life?
Thank you for reading our messages to you. We will continue the theme of healing for this message. We would like you to ask yourself in what area do you need healing. How many of you are muddling your way through life as opposed to being able to embrace and enjoy your life?