Shamanic Journeys Part 3
A Message from the Guides
Welcome, we are glad to see you back, we are happy to be back. We will continue on the subject of shamanic journeys. We are discussing a particular use of shamanic journeys. We are going to talk about soul retrievals. No, soul retrievals are not something that are part of common practice. But there is a shamanic belief that part of your soul can go into hiding due to trauma. The trauma can be like a major event or maybe consistent negativity or abuse, something that is hard for your mental and emotional self to handle. And for everybody there are different thresholds. What may be a major trauma to you, someone else would not be fazed by. It is not easy to know what kind of trauma other people may be experiencing on a regular basis. Many cases of mental and verbal abuse, even physical abuse is hidden very well. You would never expect that the abuser would be doing that type of activity behind closed doors. All types of abuse can create blockages in your energy systems, but it can also be to the extent that part of you goes into hiding so to speak. Your soul parts never actually leave you, but it is like they've been put into a back closet where you don't have access to them. You don't even know in most cases that back closet even exists.
A shamanic practitioner or shaman or others trained in using shamanic journeys for soul retrievals are able to access that back closet through the shamanic journey. They travel into the realms of Mother Earth going to where your particular closet is and access the parts of you that are there. They ask who is ready to return or wants to return. Then there is the process of preparing those parts of you to be returned into your knowingness, into your conscious energy. There's a process of making sure that those parts of you have been healed, sometimes healing is done on those parts of you during the shamanic journey. Once there is healing, there is conversation letting those parts of you know how well you are doing now and that your world is safer, and they are stronger. We do not force any soul parts to come back. We do not bring back parts that are not ready. We bring back the parts that have been healed and that are ready to help you move forward on your life path. We heal the trauma so that you don't have to carry it but we also, by bringing the part back, help you to experience this sense of being even more you then you were before the soul retrieval.
Soul retrievals are for people who have done at least some of the healing necessary so that they can hold on to the soul parts that come back. If you have not experienced healing and the soul part comes back to the same energy that was there when it left, in most cases it's not going to stay. That's why it's recommended that you have healing first and then soul retrieval. We do want to add one important point, that you don't have to know you need it for it to be true and two quite often there is a need for more than one soul retrieval, especially if you have experienced a lot of trauma in your life.
We thank you for your attention to this message. We hope that we have brought some clarity and some useful information to you with this message. We thank you, we love you, and we are always, always with you.