Scheduling Is Now Open
Shamanic Reiki Healing ~ Soul Retrieval & Integration ~ Mentoring~ Shamanic Journeying Training ~ Spiritual Channeling Training
Shamanic Reiki Healing Sessions, In Person or Remote
Energy healing can help you lead your best life. By Vicki working to connect you to your healing through hands on healing, you will have the ability to make better choices in life, you can release old energy that is weighing you down, you are able to release limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and by removing energy blocks and attachments you start feeling better in all areas of your life.
A healing session with Vicki will address healing on all levels: emotional, spiritual, and physical. As Vicki connects with her guides and listens to your words, she is guided to the best way to assist with your healing. She brings in her intuition, her experience, her training, and spiritual guidance to your healing session.
Each session is truly an amazing experience, designed uniquely for you. The energy healing skills she has learned through her Reiki and Shamanic training, along with her experience, and the skills brought to her by her guides, make sure that your healing experience will not be soon forgotten.
Spiritual guidance and channeled messages are part of the healing sessions.
Sessions are available in person at her office in Chamblee, or by Zoom and by phone.
60- and 90-minute sessions available.
Soul Retrieval & Integration
A Soul Retrieval is when a shamanic practitioner brings a part of you, back to you. One of the signs that you would benefit from a soul retrieval is when you just don’t feel whole, you feel like something is missing. When we experience trauma or a situation that is overwhelming part of us can go into hiding leaving us feeling less than whole. Children don’t have the coping skills that we hopefully learn as we get older and so frequently the soul parts that come back are from when you were younger. But even adults when they go through a traumatic experience don’t always have the tools to deal with what has happened. Sometimes you have done healing work on the experience but that doesn’t mean that part of you will return on its own, that’s when a soul retrieval can be helpful. Before a soul retrieval can happen there must be healing and preparation work done. If you are not ready to integrate that part of you back into your being, then the soul retrieval will not be lasting.

Training Options
Have you recently discovered your healing gifts? Are you starting to receive messages from your guides? Do you realize that you see the world differently then most people? Have you physic abilities increased and you’re not quite sure what to do with them? Are you drawn to Shamanism, Reiki, channeling or any of the other gifts that Vicki works with?
Vicki is able to help you develop your gifts and offer guidance in how to move forward and incorporate your abilities into your life. She will offer training in basic guidelines of how to use your gifts without overstepping your boundaries, the importance of spiritual practices to strengthen your connections with Source, and methods of protection to ensure that you are safely moving forward in your spiritual practices.
Spiritual Channeling Training
This can also be done on an individual basis or in one of the workshops that is offered. Vicki also offers a practice group for channeling where you can learn by doing.
Stay up to date by checking the Calendar page.
Shamanic Journeying Training
A Shamanic Journey is when you travel to the spirit world to connect with your guides and other spiritual beings to receive wisdom and healing. By going into a light trance state, using drums or rattles to help bring the brain waves into that state, you are able to step into the spirit worlds. With a little training and experience you will be able to access these realms on your own.
Vicki also offers three monthly groups where you can do Shamanic Journeys with a group, and she offers a Shamanic Workshop for when you are ready to go even deeper into your journeys. On the calendar page, you can find the descriptions of the groups and links to register.