Upcoming Events

Please check out the classes and groups listed below.

Channeling Practice Group

Channeling Practice Group

Do you need a place to develop your channeling skills? Are you looking to meet with others to share how your journey in channeling is going? Would you like to have people to practice your skills with?

This group is meant for those people who have had at least a little bit of experience in channeling, even if only in a workshop or among friends, to those who have more experience but want a safe place to develop and go deeper in their channeling.

We will meet monthly and have a chance to share where we are in our channeling and celebrate any breakthroughs you may have had. Then we will go into various channeling exercises. Sometimes we will break into small groups, or do one on one practices, and occasionally we may share messages for the group or for each person in the group.

This is a drop-in group, meaning join us when it’s right for you. There is no requirement or expectation that you have to be there every month, but we hope that you will want to be there! Consistency is the key to developing you channeling skills.

We meet in the 3-story building next to Phoenix and Dragon in Room 215.

Fee is $25. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/channeling-practice-group-tickets-392618381147 or PayPal: https://www.PayPal.me/vickievanshealing Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Vicki-Evans-8

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Online - Wisdom and Healing: Shamanic Journeying

Online - Wisdom and Healing: Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic journeying is an opportunity to connect with your spirit guides and deepen your spiritual path. Using the rhythmic beat of the drum to bring you into a relaxed state and then taking a mind journey into the world of spirit, you can seek wisdom and healing from your spiritual guides and helpers. The journeys will be guided, you will just need to relax and allow yourself to be guided to where you can connect with the guides. We will do two journeys and will have a brief introduction to journeying for anyone who is not familiar with this practice.

All are welcome, no experience needed. We meet via Zoom, the link is below.

$25 PayPal: https://www.PayPal.me/vickievanshealing Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Vicki-Evans-8 or


If you have any questions or would like more information, please email me at vicki@vickijevans.com.

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What Is Energy Healing? Class is full.

What Is Energy Healing? Class is full.

Do you wonder about energy healing? What is it and how does it work? Can anyone do it? How do you start, what is needed? What are chakras? How does sound help in the healing? If you have experienced energy healing and was interested in how it works, this is one way to get some insight into that. There will be time for discussion and questions during the session.

This class will meet in my office in Chamblee and is limited to 4 people.

Saturday, March 15, 1 - 5 PM, $60 To reserve your place in this class a nonrefundable deposit of $10 is required once you sign up.

This class is full.

We would consider holding a second class if there is interest. If you are interested, please reach out by email at vicki@vickijevans.com and I will add you to a waiting list.

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Shamanic Journeying at the Well

Shamanic Journeying at the Well

We will meet monthly at The Well of Roswell for a guided healing shamanic journey followed by channeled messages for each person there.

Each month the journey will be different, sometimes traveling to the lower world to move into the healing spaces of Mother Earth and at other times we will be traveling to the upper world where we will receive our healing there. During each journey you will have the opportunity to meet with guides to ask questions or to ask for healing.

For those new to shamanic journeys, I will go over the basics. Please keep in mind the journey will be guided so you will be able to follow along even if you have never done a shamanic journey before.

Please sign up through The Well of Roswell at this link: Shamanic Journeying with Vicki Evans | thewellofroswell

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W.I.L.D. Women Online

W.I.L.D. Women Online

W.I.L.D. in this case stands for Wise, Intuitive, Loving, and Divine. I believe that all women have the desire to make Wise choices and can be wise no matter their age. We are all Intuitive, even if you don’t know it yet, you have that ability. Loving is something we all desire to be but with that we want the wisdom to make good choices and we want to use our intuition to guide us in making the best choices for us. And then we come to Divine, divinity is your birthright, you were born connected to All That Is. You don’t have to earn it, but you may need to overcome limiting beliefs that keep you from fully accessing your divinity.

If you are interested in growing spiritually, no matter your path, join us. If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities, finding ways to be more loving, and wanting to embrace your own divinity, please join us. We will be helping each other grow. We will meet in-person the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM via Zoom.

Fee is $25.


Join Zoom Meeting

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Wisdom and Healing Through Shamanic Journeys

Wisdom and Healing Through Shamanic Journeys

Shamanic Journeys are an opportunity to connect with Spirit and your guides for healing and direction. You can use the journeys to ask about all areas of your life, not just the spiritual side. Spirit loves to help you live the best life possible.

No experience with Shamanic Journeying is needed to come and participate in the group, yet this group isn’t only for beginners. I will go over what a shamanic journey is for those who are coming for the first time.

Please note we meet at 5505 Roswell RD NE, Room 215, Sandy Springs which is next door to Phoenix and Dragon.

To register, the fee is $25.

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Smudge Sprays and Crystal Mists Class Is Full

Smudge Sprays and Crystal Mists Class Is Full

Join Melissa V and me to create a smudge spray and a crystal essence mist for yourself.

We will guide you through the process of creating your own healing sprays and mists along with teaching you how to use them and how they can benefit you.

This class is full but will be offered again, probably in the fall.

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W.I.L.D. Women

W.I.L.D. Women

W.I.L.D. in this case stands for Wise, Intuitive, Loving, and Divine. I believe that all women have the desire to make Wise choices and can be wise no matter their age. We are all Intuitive, even if you don’t know it yet, you have that ability. Loving is something we all desire to be but with that we want the wisdom to make good choices and we want to use our intuition to guide us in making the best choices for us. And then we come to Divine, divinity is your birthright, you were born connected to All That Is. You don’t have to earn it, but you may need to overcome limiting beliefs that keep you from fully accessing your divinity.

April topic to be decided soon. I think we will have a sound healing as part of our ceremony.

If you are interested in growing spiritually, no matter your path, join us. If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities, finding ways to be more loving, and wanting to embrace your own divinity, please join us. We will be helping each other grow.

Fee is $25. Please note for which group: PayPal: https://www.PayPal.me/vickievanshealing Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Vicki-Evans-8 Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/511692414787

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Reiki Share

Reiki Share

Our first share in March was a success, I loved the healing and connection shared by the ones in attendance.

If you enjoy connecting with other Reiki practitioners and are willing to share and receive healing energy, you may enjoy this group. This group is limited to only 7 people, me being one of them!

I enjoy Reiki Shares which is why I am starting one again. I love connecting to other practitioners and I love the energy I receive during my turn on the table.

We will be meeting in my office in Chamblee from 2 - 4 PM on the first Sunday of each month.

If you are interested, please email me to see if there is still space available. vicki@vickijevans.com

Donations are accepted but not required.

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Advanced Channeling Practice

Advanced Channeling Practice

This small group is to challenge those that have experience in channeling and want to go even deeper and are willing to be challenged.

This group is full and will not be accepting new members for the time being.

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Foundations - Class Is Full

Foundations - Class Is Full

This class is designed to help you move forward on your spiritual path with a good foundation. We will be covering things like grounding, connecting with Source, protecting yourself spiritually, and clearing yourself and your spaces.

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Channeling Practice Group

Channeling Practice Group

Do you need a place to develop your channeling skills? Are you looking to meet with others to share how your journey in channeling is going? Would you like to have people to practice your skills with?

This group is meant for those people who have had at least a little bit of experience in channeling, even if only in a workshop or among friends, to those who have more experience but want a safe place to develop and go deeper in their channeling.

We will meet monthly and have a chance to share where we are in our channeling and celebrate any breakthroughs you may have had. Then we will go into various channeling exercises. Sometimes we will break into small groups, or do one on one practices, and occasionally we may share messages for the group or for each person in the group.

This is a drop-in group, meaning join us when it’s right for you. There is no requirement or expectation that you have to be there every month, but we hope that you will want to be there! Consistency is the key to developing you channeling skills.

We meet in the 3-story building next to Phoenix and Dragon in Room 215.

Fee is $25. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/channeling-practice-group-tickets-392618381147 or PayPal: https://www.PayPal.me/vickievanshealing Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/Vicki-Evans-8

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Women's Retreat
to May 19

Women's Retreat

Women’s Retreat

Friday, May 17, 5 PM - Sunday, May 19, 4 PM in Clayton, GA

Jan Mitchell and I are combining our years of healing and energy work to bring you a Spring Retreat. I will be sending out more information soon but wanted to get the basics out. At the retreat we will be doing a fireside ceremony, nature walks, Theta healing, channeled messages for each person, a shamanic journey and drumming by the fire, along with other events. The cabin we will be staying in borders on 40+ acres of National Forest and has a pond, a stream, fairy homes, along with the mules and the Clydesdale horse at the farm next door that we can spend some time with.

We are inviting up to 6 women to join us. We will all be staying in the cabin but there are more than enough beds for each of us, we will be sharing rooms, but the rooms look to be good sized.

If you sign up before April 1st, the cost is $450 after the 1st it goes up to $499. A $100 deposit is required when signing up.

Please watch your email for more information. If you know that you would love to spend a weekend connecting with nature and other women with two wise and experienced healers and leaders, please reach out via email or text and I will get you signed up. vicki@vickijevans.com

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Shamanic Drum Circle with Vicki Evans and Bob Eddy

Shamanic Drum Circle with Vicki Evans and Bob Eddy

The group will start with a short guided Shamanic journey, followed by 2 or 3 sets of drumming as a group along with healing being offered during a couple of the sessions of drumming.

*There will be a small supply of drums and/or rattles for attendees who do not have one.

Cost: $20

Shamanic Drum Circle Tickets, Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

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The Shamanism of Earth with Bob Eddy and Vicki Evans

The Shamanism of Earth with Bob Eddy and Vicki Evans

We will explore the energy of the Great Mother, Earth. Mother Earth is the element that sustains all life as we know it. All other elements depend on Mother Earth for existence. We will honor the Great Mother and explore the meaning of “grounded”. The class will include a guided Shamanic journey to better understand Mother Earth, how she sustains us and how she transmutes all negativity.

Cost: $25

The Shamanism of Earth Tickets, Sun, May 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite or Zelle or Cash App using 617-970-4916

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Reiki I Class (Full)

Reiki I Class (Full)

Reiki I is a wonderful introduction to energy healing. It is a Japanese method used for relaxation, clearing blockages, and healing. Reiki will help you learn to channel the Reiki energy for yourself and others.

We will cover what is Reiki and the beginning steps to using it for yourself and others. You will be attuned to the Reiki I level of energy during the class.

Class fees: Class $125 and Manual $20

Please reach out with any questions or to sign up, class is limited to 4 participants. vicki@vickijevans.com

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Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

A shamanic journey is a guided journey to the spirit worlds to connect you with your guides and receive healing, wisdom, and guidance. The steady beat of the drum will ease you into the perfect state of mind to relax and enjoy the journey.

In this introduction she will cover the basics of shamanic journeying, making it easy for you to follow along and connect with the guides.

~ What is a shaman/shamanic practitioner.

~ Why you would want to do shamanic journeys.

~ Where you go and how you get there when you do shamanic journeys.

She will then lead you on a guided shamanic journey where you will travel to the spirit realms and will connect with your spirit animal or other guide. No experience is necessary, just bring your curiosity and an open mind to get the most out of your journey.

Vicki J Evans is a shamanic practitioner who has been leading shamanic journeys in group settings for over 8 years. She has received both healing and guidance from her many journeys and that is why she loves sharing this experience with you.

Please register at: https://www.thewellofroswell.com/events/introduction-to-shamanic-journeying-with-vicki-j-evans

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Shamanic Journey Workshop

Shamanic Journey Workshop

This will be a more in-depth dive into Shamanic Journeys. We will go on 3 to 4 journeys during this workshop.

Would you like to have the ability to connect deeply with your guides? Would you like a way that is simple but effective to deepen your spiritual path? Shamanic Journeys can do those things. As you journey to the spirit world and connect with your guides, they are able to share wisdom with you and bring healing to you just as they have done for me. They will help you see the bigger picture; they will help release some of the limitations that keep you from living your best life. By sharing their wisdom, they will help you make the choices that are right for you. We will do several journeys as we explore different ways to use journeys for our healing and for guidance.


·        What is a shamanic journey?

·        What are the benefits to journeying?

·        Where do you go when you journey?

·        There is more than one way to journey.

·        Establishing a “home base in the Middle World”.

·        How the guidance you receive can help you navigate your life.

·        Understanding what you experience during a journey.

·        How to do one on your own.

 The reason I do the Wisdom and Healing through Shamanic Journeys and teach the Shamanic Journeying Workshop is that I have received so much healing and guidance from my spirit guides. I have had physical healing, soul retrievals, emotional healing, and guidance in every area of my life. Here are a few of the things that have happened when I did shamanic journeying, some happened in the group sessions, and some were from solo journeys.

I have been taken to a healing temple in another dimension to receive healing from a circle of healers. It was so calming and felt awesome.

I was taken to a ceremony that had at least 20 animal spirit guides sitting around the fire, and they told me of their strengths and that I could call upon them anytime. It is reassuring to know that I can call upon the spirit animals when needed.

A bison showed up in most of my journeys over a two-month period to let me know that things would be taken care of and that my needs would be met. That abundance and protection were there for me.

I have had my grandparents show up and express their part in the dysfunction of my parents and apologize for actions that caused me to suffer. My grandmother also apologized for not getting close to me because of her feelings about my mom, her daughter. Some of the things that came out of this journey explained a lot about the way my parents were. It made healing and forgiveness easier.

Vicki Evans has been leading shamanic journeys in her groups and workshops for over 9 years. She is  a shamanic practitioner and Reiki Master with a healing practice in Atlanta, GA. She regularly holds groups where she leads the participants in shamanic journeys where they are able to meet with their guides for wisdom and healing.

Cost is $100. To sign up, you may sign up through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/623000971677 or you may sign up by using the PayPal link and noting that it is for the Shamanic Journey Workshop. https://www.PayPal.Me/vickievanshealing

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Channeling Workshop

Channeling Workshop

Whether you have experience in channeling or are brand new, this workshop will help you move forward in your channeling practice. Would you like connecting to Spirit and your guides to be easier and clearer? With a few guidelines and some practice, it can be. If channeling is new to you or just something you would like to explore, this workshop will give you the tools to do that. For those who are already somewhat experienced but want to a deeper connection this will help.

Vicki has continued to refine her ability to hear from Spirit and her guides for over 20 years now and she looks forward to sharing her knowledge and experience with you.

In the class you will have the opportunity to practice in a safe and welcoming space what you learn in the workshop.

Some of the things we will cover are:

~ What is channeling

~ Beginning practices

~ How spirit “speaks” to you

~ Intention

~ Protection & Grounding

~ Asking for confirmation

~ Channeling for yourself – by writing and speaking

~ Channeling for others – by writing or speaking

January 15th from 1:00 to 5:30 PM, $100. Limited to 10 people, must preregister at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/channeling-workshop-tickets-229570189617

If you have any questions, please email Vicki@vickijevans.com.

We meet in the Phoenix and Dragon Annex at 5505 Roswell RD NE, Room 215, Sandy Springs, GA.

Vicki Evans is a Channel, Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Group Facilitator and Teacher.

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