Pay Attention
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Pay Attention

Welcome, we are glad to be with you. We feel that the energy has shifted for many of you. Not everything lines up according to what the planets are doing but they do have a major influence in the energy that surrounds you. There are so many contributing factors to how you feel, there are the conscious ones, the interactions with friends and family, the things going on in your world, and the things that you choose to do or not do. But there is a great unseen, the energy that flows through and around you at all times, that is also flowing through everyone and everything else at the same time.

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Tiny Kindnesses
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Tiny Kindnesses

So small kindnesses can make huge differences when someone is carrying a burden that they don't feel able to share, they don't feel able to ask for help but knowing that someone had a kind word or a smile or helped them in some minor way can make a huge difference in that case.

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Connecting with Nature
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Connecting with Nature

Welcome, we are glad to be with you. We come through with a different kind of message today. We would like to remind you of the beauty that you carry within you, the beauty that Mother Earth has surrounded you with.

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Staying Grounded
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Staying Grounded

Welcome, we are glad you are here. We recognize there is still continued chaos in your political systems. Please keep in mind that it is up to you to keep yourself centered, to keep yourself focused on the things that you want to focus on. It does take effort on your part to keep yourself grounded and centered but we are also always available to help with that. When there are too many changes coming at one time it can feel like you lose your footing. That is where grounding comes in and if you are a person who does earthing that would help even more. Connecting with the energy of the beautiful planet that you live on helps you survive living on that planet.

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Clarification of Intention
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Clarification of Intention

Welcome to our latest message for you. We are always glad to connect with you and appreciate your presence in this community and your efforts to grow spiritually. We know that those of you who are receiving these messages are part of a loose knit community based on the groups and the healing sessions that Vicki provides.

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A Message for January 16, 2025
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

A Message for January 16, 2025

Welcome, we are glad to be with you today. We realize that for those of you that are in the United States that there is a huge transition going on next week. Some of you are concerned and some of you are supportive of the changes.

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You Are the Change
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

You Are the Change

We think the important thing to keep in mind is that you are a divine being who has chosen to be here at this time.

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This Is a Wonderful Time
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

This Is a Wonderful Time

We are grateful for each one of you, working on your own development, your own projects, your own life. There is always room for expansion and elevation. This is a time of great change, a wonderful opportunity for you to delve into areas that you may have steered away from in the past.

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For July 11
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

For July 11

Welcome to our latest message, we are happy to share it with you. We hope that many of you are feeling the positive effects of the shifts in energy that are affecting your planet. For those that are open to an expansion, that are open to growth, that are open to having your vibration elevated, we are grateful.

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Intention Opens Doorways
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Intention Opens Doorways

Many of you recognize that there is a movement or a shift that has started and will continue to move forward in which your vibrational levels will be lifted higher.

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June 20, 2024
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

June 20, 2024

Welcome, we are grateful for your attention to this message. We are always glad to be able to communicate to you in a way that you can understand. This is only one of the many ways that we communicate with you.

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June 13, 2024
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

June 13, 2024

We want to emphasize in this newsletter that you always have choices. Some choices in life are simple, do I want to buy chocolate ice cream or do I want vanilla. Other choices are not so easy, such as do I stay in my marriage or is it time to leave. Is it time to consider a career change or can I make smaller changes that would satisfy my need for more. Some other big changes are when you decide it is time to get healthy or it is time to immerse yourself in an area that is outside the norm for you.

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Bringing In the New
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Bringing In the New

We are happy to be with you again. We hope that you have been practicing taking a breath before you did anything that might not be exactly the way you would truly want to do something. If not, you can always start now.

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Honor Your Body
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Honor Your Body

We welcome you to this message. We recognize that for some of you there have been disturbances in your energy levels and physicality.

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Take a Deep Breath
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Take a Deep Breath

Our message to you today is a pretty simple one. We are recommending that you all take a deep breath before you say or do anything.

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Is It Time for Change
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Is It Time for Change

We recognize that not everyone is in the same place. Some of you are handling the shifts of energy very well, others feel like they're being blasted by repeated waves of energy that seemed to shift them out of a comfortable place into an uncomfortable place.

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You Have a Choice
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

You Have a Choice

We would like to remind you that you have a choice of being of this world, being in this world without having to allow yourself to be totally pulled into the disturbances that are happening around you.

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Each Step You Take
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Each Step You Take

Each step you take in your healing brings healing to those around you and it ripples out in a magnificent way throughout the world and beyond.

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Take the Time
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Take the Time

Taking the time to recover from a heavy schedule or unexpected stress is necessary for you to feel your best. Some of you believe the old notion of keep pushing, push through whatever might be getting in your way.

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Pay Attention to the Simple Things
Vicki Evans Vicki Evans

Pay Attention to the Simple Things

There are many things going on in your world, but there are also many examples of kindness, of love, of caring for others, that you see every day in your life.

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