You Are the Change

Welcome, we are glad to be bringing you a new message. We felt that it was time, that Vicki is now energetically strong enough to bring through a message that would carry meaning for you, that would carry the energy that we want to bring you.

There is much going on in your world this month, where people are recovering from the holidays, there has been a major election, there is about to be the next president installed in the White House, and here where she is in Atlanta there is a possibility of snow in two days. We will not do a prediction on the snow. But we can tell you that you may want to give yourself time during this month to step back to allow your natural rhythms to come back in. With holidays and travel and time off and extra things going on you tend to get out of your own natural rhythms, out of your schedules, your sleep gets messed up, your eating is kind of out of whack. Now we do realize some of you have made resolutions and will be hitting the gym for this month and are changing your diet, those things are not bad and if they were made from the right or with the right intention then we celebrate that. But it's still necessary for you to consider where you want to put your energy, how you want to spend your time and allow yourself to get back into the rhythm of your life without the holidays, without the extra stress, without someone else directing your time. We realize if you work a full-time job that yes there is someone directing a certain amount of your time, but it is not all of your time and you have choices with what you do with the time that you are not at work.

We know for those in the United States that right now there is turbulent weather, some areas so dry that there are fires, in other places there is lots of snow, some places that normally have snow don't have snow. There are also the shifts that are coming in your political world, one president is on his way out and another one is on his way in. They have very different points of view and very different ways of doing things. Allow room to find that good that comes with change. We know some of you are not expecting positive changes, we say please stay open to the possibilities that you may appreciate some of the changes that are coming. Keep your eyes and your ears open, along with your heart and your mind.

We think the important thing to keep in mind is that you are a divine being who has chosen to be here at this time. And your human mind may be going, and why would I choose to be here now? We have a slightly different view than you do, we can see a little further out than you can and we also know the reasons why each one of you decided to incarnate during this time. The readers of this message are ones who came to not bring change but be the change. Healers are doing more healing, psychics are able to go further with their messages, the energy that weighed so many of you down has lifted. It is not cleared away completely, but it has lifted and you are able to connect with that universal energy, that universal wisdom, that divinity much easier then you could before now. And that will grow, you will find that you are getting more messages, more signs, more symbols, more wisdom, more synchronicities coming your way. Once again open, allow yourself to see, allow yourself to receive, allow yourself to give. For the receiving and the giving pay attention to how you feel, are you giving freely, are you giving with love, are you giving because you think you have to? As for receiving, are you truly receiving the gifts of time, energy, and care that other people are willing to give you? Many of you are light workers, healers, and so on and you are more used to giving than receiving. Receiving is an important part because you never know what will come your way when you stay open to the energies, to the mysteries, to the magic that surrounds you.

We mostly want you to understand that you really are here for a reason, that you are supported, that you are protected, and that you are loved. As a human it is hard to even truly fathom the amount of love that is with you, that surrounds you, that is available to you at all times. Seek out the good for you and for others. How you choose to serve, how you choose to use your gifts, how you choose to move forward is up to you but to receive the full benefits do it with love, do it with an open heart to the compassion and kindness. Remember we are with you, and we want to support you and communicate with you even more than you want to communicate with us. Much love to all of you.


A Message for January 16, 2025


This Is a Wonderful Time