A Message for January 16, 2025

Welcome, we are glad to be with you today. We realize that for those of you that are in the United States that there is a huge transition going on next week. Some of you are concerned and some of you are supportive of the changes. We do not take sides in your political arenas, but we do take into consideration the intent of the people who are stepping in to the government roles. We of course look at the world that you live in very differently than how it looks from where you are. For some of you this is a very difficult time. We would like to point out that your country and the people in your country have survived many ups and downs over the years. Your country was created by people who were rebelling against the rules of where they lived. And now the people in your country are creating rules that not everyone agrees with and there are some that are actually leaving your country due to the changes. Times of transition can be difficult, you question whether or not the changes that are coming will benefit you or be harmful. We say that for most of you there won't be that many major changes. Yes, there will be some of course. You have people moving into leadership roles that have very different views than the previous leadership.

We would like you to keep in mind that what is important now is for you to remain true to who you are. If you are a spiritual person and you believe you have a connection with Spirit, God, the Universe, Creator, whatever term you want then we ask that you keep your trust there and not in people. People are fallible, people will do things that benefit them even at the expense of others. And we are not just talking about leadership changes, we are talking about the way many businesses and many people operate in your world today. It’s not just in your country but many countries, it has come to be that people in power start to feed off of that power and they get hungry and they want more of it. Unfortunately for them it will come at a cost. It will cost them their peace of mind, it will cost them close relationships, it will cost them in ways that are not apparent yet. We are not going to rain down fire, we are not going to attempt to change those who are not interested in changing. That's not our role. Our role is to support those that want to be supported, to encourage those that want to be encouraged, to bring more love, more light, more kindness, more compassion into your world. Those things can only be brought in by those who are willing to live in love, kindness, compassion, generosity and choose to look out for their fellow being.

We would remind you that the media systems in your world are created as corporations that want to make money. They will tell you they are telling you the truth, they will tell you all kinds of things, but the truth is most of what you see is a distraction. If they can get you to focus on this issue over here, then you're not going to notice other issues that are actually more problematic going on behind the scenes. This applies to corporations of all levels, to the governments in many of the countries in your world. Media has a product and you and your attention is the product that they sell to their advertisers. Are there some media corporations that might be more honest than others, of course, but that is where you need your discernment. As you take a few steps back and start to look at things more clearly you will see that there are patterns that the media follows in many circumstances. You can see what one outlet says about something going on and then if you were to look at five other media or news sources you would find a different spin. This one is saying this is going to be great, another one going this is going to suck. So, you need that discernment, you need that curiosity for you to know what you need to pay attention to. So much of it you don't need to pay attention to, they are just trying to draw people in because you are what brings them profit. It’s not a personal thing, you are just another registered user that adds to their tally of people they can bring their advertising to. This applies to regular media outlets, your news on TV, in print, on the web, but also social media. We are sure that many of you know people that are promoting that they have a wonderful life on social media, perfect pictures, perfect spaces, perfect vacations, and yet if you know them personally you know that their life is nowhere near perfect. They have created an image, it's a false image but it's an image of how they want people to think they are living. Do not get sucked in by the misleading flashy stories that hide the truth.

We will be with you as we always are through the ups and the downs. You have the freedom to reach out to us at any time all the time for guidance, for help with your discernment, for help with processing the emotions that come about when there are big changes. The ones that choose to connect with us, choose to want to bring the best of themselves to the world, those are the ones that are going to make your world a better place to live. We believe that there are those that no matter their politics believe that they are doing what is right for this country. You have choices to make and we hope that your choices are guided by both love and wisdom.

We love you and we are delighted to be connecting with you on a regular basis.


Clarification of Intention


You Are the Change