Clarification of Intention

Welcome to our latest message for you. We are always glad to connect with you and appreciate your presence in this community and your efforts to grow spiritually. We know that those of you who are receiving these messages are part of a loose knit community based on the groups and the healing sessions that Vicki provides. You come from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and even where you grew up. We say this so that you realize that some messages will be more pertinent to what is going on in your life and other times they may not seem to fit what you need to know. We aim our messages to those that we feel are needing it the most at the time the message is written. It does not mean that there isn't something for everybody in the message, it just means that there may be a particular issue that is more important to some than to others. We are not trying to please everyone, we are hoping to uplift you all, we send all of you love, but the messages will vary. We write say this as much to Vicki as it is to the rest of you. She would prefer that we always had very positive and uplifting messages, but sometimes when you live in a challenging world such as your planet earth there are times when things need to be said that she would prefer to gloss over or skip in the messages. We try to bring a balance. We want you to know that you're loved, we want you to know that we are with you, we want you to know that there is always room for healing and growth in your life. And that we absolutely want you to live the best life possible but that doesn't mean it will be all smooth or without issues. Choosing a life on planet earth is not for the weak. Those of you who would read these messages and attend her groups and come for healing sessions are not the ones who would just sit back and allow the world to fall apart around you.

We do hope that this message does bring some clarity and maybe shift the expectations that both you and Vicki have about these messages.

Now for the message that we want to bring you this week. We recognize that this has been a rather up and down week for most of you. The weather in the South is not typical, many of you had snow that has been a major disruption for some of you this week. In politics very much up and down, for some it's excitement, for others not so much. But through all of this our desire is for you to remain connected to Source, to your guides, to the friends that support you. When the world around you is not operating the way you would like it to, you can moan and groan and fuss or you can reach out to us and Source or reach out to the friends or family that can encourage you. Or you can also do the things that feed your spirit and yes, the people that we've mentioned those things do feed your spirit, but there's also that time in nature, creative time whether it's painting or writing or singing, expressing yourself in a creative way whatever it might be. There is also the looking inside and asking if you're truly seeing the picture as it is or if you are not seeing clearly. We did mention that a lot of what's going on is illusion and distraction and so we would like you to look for the things that feed your soul, look for the things that you can do to feed the souls of those around you. That is another way to lift yourself up, by lifting others you lift yourself, by expressing your love and your concern for others you also receive that love. Focus on your internal dialogue, many of you cycle, you get stuck on a thought and you cycle. There are some good practices that can help you with that. We suggest that you take advantage of the things that you already know. When you get stuck in your thoughts doing something as simple as getting up and moving from one room to another or taking a 10 minute walk, having a glass of water, just stepping outside for 10 minutes, all of these things can help break when your thoughts are cycling round and round and round. You can't hear us, you can't hear your loved ones, you can't receive the love that's there for you when you are so caught up in your thoughts that you are blocking the positive things.

Our hope for you this week, and we are sending energy and love to support it, is that you remember that you are loved, that you are meant to be here, that there are many beings on our side but also many beings in your world who cared deeply for you. We are with you, we are available 24/7, remember that you have the right to call upon us at any time, even at your lowest or your highest and everything in between we are with you, loving you, and guiding you.


Staying Grounded


A Message for January 16, 2025