This Is a Wonderful Time

Welcome to our latest message. We recognize that this has been an interesting week for those of you that follow politics in your country. Please remember that what you see and read is all meant to guide your attention in particular directions. There are so many things going on behind the scenes, or some even visible but sort of glossed over. Make the best choices for yourself. If you are one who likes to follow the so-called news and social media, please do it with a very discerning eye. For those that choose not to follow, we can understand. For all of you we hope that at this time in your world, you would keep each and every being in your thoughts, in your prayers, in your sending of love and healing out.

We are grateful for each one of you, working on your own development, your own projects, your own life. There is always room for expansion and elevation. This is a time of great change, a wonderful opportunity for you to delve into areas that you may have steered away from in the past. Maybe it's time to explore another healing modality or to go deeper in your meditation or practice channeling for more than yourself and one or two others. This is a wonderful time to focus on your spiritual path, on where you want to go even if you only know the next step. Life will be changing rapidly in the next couple of years, so we suggest that you don't try to plan too far in advance. Remember the idea of surfing the waves, in this case it is surfing the waves of energy and change. The more that you can look at this as an adventure, as an exploration, as an opportunity for growth, the easier the changes and the shifts will be for you to handle.

Each one of you still has areas that are not completely healed, expect that those areas will be coming to the surface to be healed. They will not rise up for you to suffer or to relive but to heal and release. The clearer, the more healed that you are, the higher you can raise your vibration and the energy that you generate for yourself and for others. This truly is a wonderful time for growth. If at times the growth feels difficult there are a couple of things that you can try. One would be to request that it comes in a gentler form, another would be to look and ask if necessary where you are resisting the change. Resistance can be a habit, it can be something that you don't even realize why you're doing. Humans like their comfort zone, but if you want growth you need to step out past the comfort zone and allow yourself to step in to new adventures, new spaces, with excitement and positive expectations. Not all change is easy or even pleasant we recognize that, but we also recognize that staying stuck serves no one.

We appreciate each and every one of you. We love you and we are always with you. Thank you.


You Are the Change


For July 11