Speaking Your Truth 2
Welcome to this latest message. We are grateful for your attention to these messages, and we hope that they bring a bit of clarity, healing, or wisdom to you. Not only are we sharing words, but these words are infused with energy to help you with whatever area you struggle in life, to help you connect more deeply with Spirit and your guides, and to give you the freedom to live your life the best way possible for you.
Speaking your truth can be meant and used either for good or for harm. There are those that would say, well I was just telling them the truth, but they were not being kind, they were not doing it out of love, they were doing it because it made them feel powerful. That is not the kind of speaking truth that we are talking about this month. We are talking about speaking the truth to someone who needs to know they are loved, that they matter, that there are ways to move forward in life. Speaking the truth can sometimes mean telling somebody a hard thing but there's a big difference between dumping it on them or speaking it in a manner that they can hear. When you speak a hard truth with love and kindness and making sure your intent that it is only for their highest and best good, then you have a clear path to being a positive influence in their life.
Many times when you speak the “truth” to yourself you were doing it in the manner that is not kind and loving. You will spend every minute of this life with you, why not speak kindly, lovingly, and truthfully to yourself as you would want someone else to speak to you.
We love you and we are always, always with you.