Speaking your Truth Part 3
A Channeled Message for October 19, 2023
Welcome once again to these messages. We would like to continue the conversation on speaking your truth. You may feel that it's a simple thing, that you do speak the truth to yourself and to others. But we would ask you to really start to observe what you say, how you say it, and when you say it. Sometimes you will say something in response to someone else and your response is not quite the truth. We are not demanding that you be so precise that it becomes difficult to carry on a normal conversation. But we are asking you to think about your automatic responses when your child asks for something, and your first response is no or yes. When the boss asks you to stay late, and you say yes, but you should have said no.
You live in a society that is built on many lies. Your programming, the media, the shows, the things you are exposed to over and over and over again, quite often are not very truthful. It can be hard to tell what is the truth and what isn't when it comes to the news, when it comes to what you see on social media, when it comes to what the neighbor tells you. It is up to you to develop the ability to use your discernment, both for what you say and for what others say. Most everyone has seen the examples for Facebook and Instagram pictures where this is what is posted, and this is what the original picture looked like. That is what many of you do with your life. Oh yeah, doing great, everything's wonderful you say. When actually you're struggling to get out of bed in the morning, you aren't able to focus as well as you would like at work, but yet you tell the whole world that everything is OK. And then that leaves you open to feeling alone and unsupported but who caused that, you. By telling everybody that your world is wonderful while it's not, doesn't give others the opportunity to step up and step in to help. We are not saying tell the clerk at the grocery store that life sucks, we are not saying tell those that would take the information and use it against you, what we are saying is 1, be truthful to yourself and about how you feel, 2, tell someone or several someones who are close to you the truth. If you want to be supported and you want to be loved for who you are, then you must speak your truth.
We love you. We are grateful to be able to share our words with you and as always, we are with you.