Take a Deep Breath
Welcome, we are grateful to have you join us. Our message to you today is a pretty simple one. We are recommending that you all take a deep breath before you say or do anything. With the shifting energy, with the things going on not just with the planets, but also with your sun creating the solar flares, there is a lot of energy shifting. And it is easy when you get tired, you get stressed, or just feeling a bit off, for you to be respond in a way that does not truly reflect how you feel.
Almost all of you have had instances where you have reacted to what someone said or did and then when you received an explanation you knew that you had overreacted. It is much easier to prevent doing damage with your words and actions, than it is to repair the damage done. Please remember not only are you being affected by the things that are going on around you, by the things happening on your planet, by the things happening next door to you, but so is everyone else being affected.
You have an advantage that many people do not have. You have the ability to take that breath. You have done healing, you have become much more self-aware than the general population. Your quest to find and deepen your spiritual path has given you an openness, a clarity, an opportunity to see and know beyond what is the obvious. By choosing to not react but to take a deep breath or two or three, if needed, and then respond, you will find communication with others becomes safer. Even if someone lashes out, you do not have to return that type of energy to them. We do not suggest you hold on to it, but at this point many of you know how to release, to ground, to clear the things that might get thrown at you or you may just pick them up walking through the store.
There is a human tendency to get sucked into drama, it can feel kind of exciting and it can help you forget other things that you don't want to look at. But in the end, drama serves no one. Love on the other hand changes things for the better.
Keep taking those breaths. We are with you, we love you and we know that you are capable of so much more than you realize.