Is It Time for Change
Welcome once again to our almost weekly messages. We are always grateful to share our heart with you. We hope you sense the love, the caring, that we feel for each one of you.
We recognize that not everyone is in the same place. Some of you are handling the shifts of energy very well, others feel like they're being blasted by repeated waves of energy that seemed to shift them out of a comfortable place into an uncomfortable place. If you remain comfortable, you do not change. We're not saying you have to go through a major disaster or major disruption in your life but sometimes being uncomfortable is a good thing. When you are uncomfortable you tend to look at what may not be aligned in your life. Are you following a path that still suits you now? Or did you decide on a path ten years ago, and you've only made a few minor adjustments along the way, and it really just doesn't fit now. You've changed, you have different views, different beliefs, different ways of interacting with the world that you didn't have 10 years ago. We would like you to take stock of the things that have changed around you, that have changed within you, and see where they are not lining up. Maybe your view on a particular matter has shifted greatly, but yet you're still responding the old way. You've made some slight adjustments, but you really haven't taken the time or made the effort to really allow yourself to ask yourself if it is time to do this differently.
There are many things in your life that stay the same or so it seems, but many of the things that are staying the same are only staying the same because that is your habitual way of dealing with life. Even good habits can hold you back. What might have been a good habit even 2, 5 or 10 years ago may not be creating the life and the expectation that you once had. You are in a different place than you were even four years ago. Many things have shifted in your world and some of you are trying desperately to keep everything the same when the only constant in your world is change, you must learn to accept it. Fighting against what is already happening only holds you back and weighs you down.
We truly suggest that you take some time and look at any of the areas in your life they just don't feel right now, that don't seem to be aligned with where you want to go. And after looking at these times, looking at what you're doing, and looking at the results, then ask for guidance. We've probably already been telling you that it's time for a change, but you have done your best to not hear that. We hope you are hearing it now, love yourself enough that you're willing to make the changes that will help you grow and move forward in this life.
We love you. We are always, always with you.