You Have a Choice
For the May 2 newsletter.
We are grateful for your presence. We hope that these messages bring the energy of healing, clarity, and encouragement to each one of you.
We recognize that we have addressed the issue of discord and disruption in your world at this present time. We would like to remind you that you have a choice of being of this world, being in this world without having to allow yourself to be totally pulled into the disturbances that are happening around you. There is always a certain amount of discord and resistance when things are shifting, when things are changing. Your world is changing, and you have a part in how that change proceeds. If you are choosing to connect with the spirit and the energy of the beautiful planet you live on, you are making a difference. If you are choosing to connect with the positive energies around you, whether it be just tuning in and sensing the amount of love that is available or you are connecting to the beings that are with you, then you are helping create this shift. When you connect with Mother Earth when you ground, when you earth, when you purposely sit in the energy that radiates from the spirit of the earth, then you become more grounded, more in your human experience. Being in your human experience is not the same as being in the negative energies created by the discord. There is a big difference in connecting with that true spirit of your planet and connecting superficially with that same energy. Many of you know that you should be connecting more but because you haven't truly experienced the benefits, you haven't given it the time for you to truly connect, and you aren't getting the fullness that is available to you. The same is true about connecting with the universal energy that is available whether you believe it comes from a god type being or you believe that it is the universe or that it is the energy of all beings combined, tapping into love that is available, the clarity, the guidance that is available, you shift how you interact with others. Those others include the people you are close to, it includes the elementals, it includes all of the things that affect this world that you live on. Choosing to allow yourself to receive and accept the new energies is what will help you move forward. This is not something you can force but you can choose to be open, you can choose to connect on a regular basis to both the energy and the spirit of your planet and the energy and the spirit of all that is.
We love you and we are so grateful for each one of you. We love you.