Honor Your Body

We welcome you to this message. We recognize that for some of you there have been disturbances in your energy levels and physicality. Your sun is having minor eruptions but the effect on your planet is large. We want to remind you that by drinking plenty of water, making sure that you are eating every few hours, and getting the rest you need will help you mitigate the effects of these solar flares.

Those suggestions to help you with the solar flares will help you no matter the circumstances you find yourself in. As much as many of you focus on your spiritual side, it is time to spend a little more time and effort on your physical being. With the changes that are coming, it would benefit you to be in better physical shape. Choosing what you eat by how it makes your body feel. We think that if you pay attention, you will notice what energizes you, what calms you, and what drags you down. For each of you there will be differences. Everyone's physical body and chemical makeup is unique. Even among siblings what foods work for one person may be a detriment to the other. We recognize that many of you have a very busy life and quite often will grab food in passing. We believe it would benefit you to take a bit more time, to be selective in what you eat, to be selective in what you drink, and to be selective in how you treat your body overall. What we are talking about has nothing to do with your weight or your appearance. We are focusing on your well-being.

Honor your body, pay attention to how you feel. We recognize once again that many of you are busy, but there are choices that many of you could make that would benefit your physicality, your energy levels, and your clarity of thought. The better you treat your body, along with your emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, will improve your overall enjoyment in life. If you use high levels of caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants it wears your body down faster. By ensuring you're getting the sleep you need, and we do recognize that with the disturbances and energy from the sun and other activity sleep is not always easy. There are ways to physically and mentally prepare yourself for sleep. Many of you have heard that if you put your electronics away an hour before bedtime it refocuses the brain. Recognizing that working on complicated stuff before going to bed can also create issues with your ability to relax. We suggest that you experiment with going to bed a little earlier, reading an actual book, or even 10 minutes of meditation before attempting to sleep. Each one of you will find that your needs will be different than others. When you were giving guidelines such as you need 8 hours of sleep that was taken from an average. Some people need 9, some people need 7, and it can depend on what is going on in your life at that moment. If things are very stressful in your life, you need more sleep so that your mind and your body can recover.

We strongly encourage you to take care of your physical body at this time. It affects all the areas of your life, if you are not rested and clear-minded all other things tend to be more difficult.

We love you, we are doing our best to assist you from where we are. We do this because we have chosen to help humanity shift into a higher vibration, into a better way of being. Please remember that if you need assistance or guidance that we are listening when you speak to us. Also recognize that your answer can come in many different ways. It can come through something you hear, you see, you know, or it may come through a book you're reading, something pops out that you know was meant for you or a friend is telling you about an experience or a change that they've made and it rings a bell for you. We truly wish you the best.


Bringing In the New


Take a Deep Breath