June 13, 2024

A Message from the Guides for June 13, 2024

Welcome to this message. We are grateful to connect with you. The life of the channeler has been up and down lately and so she rightfully chose not to channel as frequently as she has been. When she is ready and has more information, she will gladly share it with you all.

We want to emphasize in this newsletter that you always have choices. Some choices in life are simple, do I want to buy chocolate ice cream or do I want vanilla. Other choices are not so easy, such as do I stay in my marriage or is it time to leave. Is it time to consider a career change or can I make smaller changes that would satisfy my need for more. Some other big changes are when you decide it is time to get healthy or it is time to immerse yourself in an area that is outside the norm for you.

It is easy to live your life with discomfort. Many of you are truly not happy with where you are in your life, but you have not become uncomfortable enough to make a change. There is a great amount of fear that can arise when it comes to making major changes, for some of you even with making minor changes.

We suggest that if you are hesitant to make changes, that it may be time to look at the root of why you are not willing to make a change that could bring positive benefits to your life. Maybe it is fear, maybe it is the recognition that it would require a great deal of energy that you don't feel you have at the present time. We are sure that you could come up with a list of reasons why not to change, not to grow, not to do something different. And that is your choice. Yet we believe that many of you feel stuck, you want changes, but you're really not sure even what direction to go in. We suggest that really the first thing to do is to do a deep dive into your heart, into your being, and start to heal the traumas, start to release the limiting beliefs, and start to shift some of your habits.

There are many sources of help available to you at this time in your world. There are numerous books, videos with people who have made the shifts and even though their way may not match what you need perfectly, you can still gain insight by knowing how other people have created the life that they dreamed of.

We hope you choose to expand your view of the possibilities that you can create to bring even more joy into your life. We love you and we are always, always with you.


June 20, 2024


Bringing In the New