We Are All Visitors
Welcome to the latest edition of this newsletter. We are happy to be with you once again. We enjoy our communication with you, we hope that the energy of these messages are bringing you exactly what you need.
We are all visitors to this place wherever you might be, wherever we are, we are all visitors, yet we belong. During your time on earth, you are meant to fully embody the human experience while also recognizing that you are much more then flesh and bones, you are much more than your mind, then your emotions. When you start to realize your connection, when you realize that you are an extension of all that is then life takes on a different meaning. If you believe that you were born on this planet only to suffer, only to work a nine to five job that you hate but it pays the bills, then you have missed something along the way. If you are reading this message, you are one who has progressed beyond what many will ever do on this planet. The ability to breakthrough the mundane, to breakthrough what is considered normal for beings on your planet is something special.
It is part of the human experience to be fully human and to experience ups and downs and to learn along the way. Some of you learn to be better humans, some of you learn that you want more than that. That you want to connect to the source of life, the source of all that is, and you can only do that if you are willing to take your blinders off, to clear any veils preventing you from seeing past what is obvious. Your brain is designed to limit what you see, what you hear, what you know. As many of you have found there are ways to help you move beyond, to hear from beyond, to see beyond, and to know what you couldn't know just from what you see and hear in this world, on this plane of existence. You can be next to someone and be on different planes of existence. Maybe a relative or a neighbor that has accepted that life is all and only what they know. While you are standing beside them, recognize that there is so much going on, not only outside of each person but even inside. The unconscious mind holds masses of information that you cannot pick up without expanding your belief system to the point where you can start to accept and receive what there is to see, hear, and know that is beyond what your normal human consciousness allows.
We do want to point out before we close that just because the neighbor or relative chooses to embody the human experience and not recognize that there is more, that is their choice. That is their path for now. It is not your job to convince anyone who is content with the way they are living their life that there is more. When someone questions whether there is more or not that is an open invitation, but if they are satisfied with the way their life is now, allow them to be who they are.
We are grateful for you, we love you, and we are truly always with you.