We Are Waiting on You
We are grateful to be with you once again. Many of you have studied and questioned and dug into different spiritual practices. But also, many of you have read, studied, even stepped into your gifts to a certain point, but then stopped. Do you realize that you are so-called spiritual gifts are just part of your nature, part of being a human living on this planet. Channeling is something that is possible for most of you. We won't say it is possible for everyone because some people have chosen, before they ever came, to be disconnected from Spirit. We hope that doesn't apply to the ones reading this newsletter. Once you have experienced a major disconnect with Spirit it can feel like you have been set adrift in an ocean with nothing to drink or eat. We would like to remind you that for 94% of you, you are not being held apart from your connection to Spirit. Spirit, the All, the I Am, the Universe, the many different terms, does not matter which one you choose, is available to you. You are connected to Spirit; Spirit is connected to you. There's no way around that. It is up to you because of your free will to choose to connect and to use the gifts that are available to you. Those gifts are part of your nature, part of what is available to you as your vibration rises, as you clear away the patterning from your society, from your parents, and others around you. Those that have a seemingly natural ability, it seems to be easy for them to do healing or to do channeling, they chose to come back for that very purpose. They chose to be able to bring their gifts to others. Some of you chose a more difficult path. One where you wanted to experience heartbreak or experience sadness or experience loneliness or experience pain or sickness and now you have started to realize that once you learn, once you experience what is necessary for your growth, then you need to let those things go. Just because you had a rotten childhood does not mean you have to have a rotten adulthood. Just because you made bad choices when you were younger does not mean you need to continue making bad choices or that it will separate you from your connection to Spirit. There are many who will question that comment. That is your choice, if you want to see someone that has made mistakes punished for the rest of their life then that is unfortunately a belief of yours. We are not talking (about) those that have murdered and violently assaulted and those types of crimes. Though even they, if they choose to release the beliefs that got them in those positions, they can access a beautiful connection with Spirit.
Some people will make many mistakes in their life here on this planet, it doesn't mean they were a bad person, it means that for whatever reason, whether it was a choice made before they came or them choosing things that were not good for them, it doesn't matter. Spirit, your guides, interdimensional beings, others recognize you beyond your human form. Not that they don't see what you have done as a human, but they know you are so much more than what is displayed in the physical.
And back to the start of this message, for all of you who have studied, who have dabbled in the healing arts or channeling or divination or Oracle or tarot card reading it is time to take it all a step further. Make the effort to strengthen your connection with Spirit and your guides. We are waiting on you.
Once again, thank you for your attention to this message. We love you and we are always, always with you.