Unity, We Are All in this Together

Welcome once again to our weekly message. We are grateful for your attending to these messages as we do them for your benefit.

The message today is one of unity. There have been incidences all over your world that are causing people to fracture into their groups in ways that are creating even more resistance to coming together to better this planet, to better themselves, to better their neighborhoods. We are suggesting that you are the ones who are learning to step back and look at what is going on, and starting to pull the covers off of what is behind the things that are causing the disturbances to become so strong. Humanity has been infected with greed, infected may not be quite the right word but it has spread, especially in this country, to seemingly astounding levels. You have people that are earning billions while they have neighbors 20, 30 miles from them that don't know how they're paying the rent. They employ people to work for them and do not pay them a living wage. This has been the way in your country for some time, but it has gotten even worse. Some of you are the ones who are not getting paid enough to truly give you a life where you can relax and enjoy the benefits of your employment. Because there is not that much benefit, you struggle to pay your bills, you struggle to take even small vacations. There are others reading this who that is not an issue, we believe that it shouldn't be an issue for anyone. The financial resources available in this country are more than enough to ensure that everyone is well taken care of. Many of you have very kind hearts, and even if you are not one who is suffering in this way, you suffer knowing that there are others who are struggling.

We'd love if there was a shift to recognize that there truly is more than enough out there for everyone, and that people deserve to live a life that they feel cared for, that they feel respected in their jobs, no matter what job they do. Source, Great Spirit is the true source of prosperity, of abundance. If you focus on the negative part of this system, it will pull you in and make things worse than they need to be. Once you start to realize that the belief systems in this country have wrapped you in chains, restricting what you believe you are capable of, then you can start to unlock those chains.

By changing your beliefs, you change your experience in this world. Unity comes in when everyone starts to realize that there is something much greater that is truly the source of all goodness in this world. It does not matter the term you use for the Creator, Spirit, the Universe, what matters is that you recognize that there is this beautiful energy that connects us all and that just as one deserves to have a life that is joyful, that is not one of extreme struggle, that all should have the same opportunity. We are not talking about working more hours, taking on a second job, we are talking of a change in your thinking, in your perception of how things work. We want you to realize that you have choices that you don't even recognize in many cases. Some of you have been good at manifesting and changing your belief systems, some of you are really struggling. We are suggesting that it is time to really look to see what you can do to bring about the change in your beliefs and the beliefs of those around you. We are not suggesting that you force your beliefs on anyone of course, we are suggesting that you demonstrate your connection and ability to manifest a life that feels much freer than what is the norm in this country.

This is a difficult subject for many, we offer no judgments whether you are struggling, whether you are in the process of coming out, or whether you have succeeded in shifting your belief systems. We make no judgments, we call all of you to openness, to freedom, to living a life that is filled with joy, that is filled with love, that is filled with the beautiful energy that many try to hide away from you. We hope that you will start to shift and embrace the possibilities that lie before you.

We have given you something to think about, please reach out, make your questions known to us, to your guides, to the people around you. It is a time for all on this planet to be working towards freedom for each and every one of you.

We love you and we are always, always with you. Thank you for allowing us to connect with you through these messages.


Bring Some Joy In


Trauma Requires Healing